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- Wide slots help brakes run up to 200 degrees cooler
- Reduces brake fade under load and at speed
- Removes dirt dust and debris from braking zone
- Great for Truck and SUV, towing etc for sport sedan use
- Anodized for protection gold for imports or black for domestics
Sport rotors has slots open for sucking fresh air into the contact region of the brake system and reducing temperatures preventing discoloration. Dimple drilling avoids stress cracks and the new gold anodized finish EBC provides good looks, while preventing corrosion. EBC sport rotors now have reduced 3 slot venting which provides the sound of the air a little less heavy under braking while retaining the advantages of the radiator, with the full width slot design. The design of this rotary
Listprice :$ 234.74
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EBC Brakes GD7154 3GD Series Dimpled and Slotted Sport Rotor
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